Meta-Now&Future Blog about technology of today and tomorrow Mon, 18 Sep 2023 08:38:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Meta-Now&Future 32 32 Games and applications in VR: How to start using a laptop Mon, 18 Sep 2023 08:38:19 +0000 Virtual reality (VR) is an exciting technology that allows us to immerse ourselves in completely new worlds and experience incredible adventures. Today, you don’t have to...

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Virtual reality (VR) is an exciting technology that allows us to immerse ourselves in completely new worlds and experience incredible adventures. Today, you don’t have to have a powerful gaming PC to enjoy VR entertainment. In this article, we will tell you how to start using your laptop for virtual reality games and applications.

1. Check system requirements

Before you start using VR on your laptop, make sure your device meets the system requirements. Each VR headset has its own minimum and recommended specifications. This typically includes the processor, graphics card, amount of RAM, and available ports.

2. Choose the right VR headset

There are many VR headsets on the market, and the choice depends on your needs and budget. Some of the popular options include Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Valve Index and Windows Mixed Reality headsets. Study their characteristics in detail and choose the one that best suits your needs.

3. Install the necessary software

Every VR headset comes with associated software or platform that you must install on your laptop. For example, for Oculus Rift it is Oculus App, and for HTC Vive it is SteamVR. Install them and follow the instructions to configure.

4. Connect the headset to your laptop

The next step is to connect your VR headset to your laptop. This usually involves connecting your headset via HDMI (or DisplayPort) and USB ports on your laptop. Make sure all cables are connected securely.

5. Go virtual

Launch the VR software on your laptop and insert the headset. Then make sure your headset is in the correct position and adjust it to avoid discomfort.

6. Applications and games

Now that you’ve connected to virtual reality, you can start exploring the world of VR. App stores like SteamVR, Oculus Store, and Windows Mixed Reality Store offer a huge variety of VR games and apps. Download and install the ones that interest you and enjoy a fun virtual experience.

7. Prioritize safety

Don’t forget about safety when using VR. Make sure you are in a safe place and will not encounter obstacles in the real world. Also monitor your time spent in VR to avoid fatigue or disorientation.

Now you have everything you need to start using your laptop for virtual reality games and applications. VR opens up a world of endless possibilities, and with your laptop you can immerse yourself in this world right now. Have fun in virtual reality!

For quality use of virtual reality (VR), it is important that the laptop is in good working order and meets certain technical requirements for several reasons:

  • Graphics Performance: VR applications and games require high graphics card performance. Virtual reality typically uses two separate screens (one for each eye) and provides high resolution and frame rates. To achieve smooth and realistic graphics, your graphics card must be powerful enough and capable of processing large amounts of data.
  • Processor Performance: Virtual reality also requires significant processing power. Your processor must process data quickly to ensure smooth VR experiences. This includes processing data from headset sensors, tracking motion, and rendering the virtual world.
  • RAM: VR applications and games require a large amount of RAM. VR can consume a lot of memory to ensure fast data access and ensure smooth running of applications.
  • Ports and connections: Your laptop must have the appropriate ports and connections to communicate with the VR headset. These are usually HDMI, DisplayPort and USB ports. If your laptop doesn’t have the right ports, this could be a barrier to connecting to VR.
  • Stability and Reliability: Virtual reality requires stable operation of your laptop. Any failures, overheating or malfunctions can lead to loss of control over the virtual world and even cause discomfort and disorientation for the user.
  • Safety: Poor quality equipment may pose a danger to the user. For example, a poorly functioning VR headset can cause dizziness or nausea in the user due to out-of-sync motion and images.

Thus, to fully and safely use virtual reality, it is necessary that your laptop meets the minimum system requirements for VR applications and games. Using a laptop with poor performance or malfunctions can lead to a negative experience and even negative health consequences for the user.


Virtual reality provides a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in amazing worlds and experience exciting adventures, and your laptop can be an important tool for this immersion. However, as you learned from this article, for high-quality use of virtual reality, the laptop must be in good working order and meet certain technical requirements.

When preparing your laptop for VR use, it is important to follow your VR headset manufacturer’s recommendations and carefully check the system requirements. Proper setup and connection, as well as installing the necessary software, will make your virtual reality experience more satisfying and secure.

Don’t forget to take care of your laptop and keep it in good condition, as even minor glitches can affect your VR experience. If it breaks, you have the opportunity to contact a repair shop and find out the laptop repairing costs. Now, with all the necessary knowledge, you are ready to begin your journey into the world of virtual reality and enjoy the endless possibilities it offers. Happy diving!

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Future Tech Predictions: What Instagram Will Look Like in 10 Years Fri, 18 Aug 2023 12:33:17 +0000 Social media platforms have become an integral part of our lives, transforming the way we connect, communicate, and share experiences. Among these platforms, Instagram has emerged...

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Social media platforms have become an integral part of our lives, transforming the way we connect, communicate, and share experiences. Among these platforms, Instagram has emerged as a cultural and technological phenomenon, captivating billions of users worldwide since its inception in 2010. From its early days as a simple photo-sharing app to its current status as a multifaceted platform encompassing stories, videos, and e-commerce, Instagram’s journey has been nothing short of remarkable.

In its nascent stages, Instagram focused primarily on enhancing photo-sharing through an array of filters and basic editing tools. As smartphones evolved, so did Instagram’s features, incorporating video sharing, direct messaging, and the iconic Stories format. The platform’s ability to adapt and integrate new technologies played a pivotal role in maintaining its relevance and user engagement.

Technological advancements have been the driving force behind the evolution of social media platforms. From the integration of augmented reality (AR) to the utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) for content curation, these innovations have reshaped how we interact with digital spaces. As we peer into the future, it becomes increasingly evident that technology will continue to be the compass guiding Instagram’s path forward.

The purpose of this article is to embark on a speculative journey into the next decade and envision what Instagram might look like in the future. By considering the current trajectory of technological progress and the ever-changing landscape of social media, we aim to offer insights into potential developments that could shape Instagram’s evolution. While we cannot predict the future with certainty, we can engage in informed speculation that sparks curiosity and dialogue about the exciting possibilities that lie ahead for one of the world’s most popular social media platforms. Join us as we peer through the lens of imagination and explore the potential contours of “Instagram 2.0” in the year 2033.

Enhanced Augmented Reality (AR) Integration

Augmented Reality (AR) has emerged as a transformative technology that blurs the lines between the physical and digital realms. Its integration into everyday life has given rise to novel experiences, from interactive navigation to immersive entertainment. As AR becomes more prevalent, its impact on social media cannot be understated. Instagram, with its emphasis on visual storytelling, is poised to leverage AR in innovative ways, enhancing user engagement and interaction.

Predictions for Instagram’s Use of AR in 10 Years

  • Advanced Filters and Effects for Stories and Posts: Over the next decade, Instagram’s filters and effects are likely to transcend mere visual enhancements. AR-powered filters could enable users to transform their surroundings, adding dynamic elements that react to gestures and emotions. This could foster a new level of creativity, enabling users to craft immersive narratives that captivate their followers.
  • Virtual Try-Ons for Shopping: Shopping experiences are set to undergo a significant transformation through AR. In the future, users might be able to virtually try on clothing, accessories, and even makeup products within the Instagram app. This would not only revolutionize e-commerce but also provide a fun and interactive way for users to explore brands and products.
  • Realistic AR Interactions: Instagram could introduce realistic AR interactions with virtual objects and characters, elevating engagement to a whole new level. Users might be able to interact with virtual pets, characters from their favorite shows, or even historical figures, creating memorable and shareable experiences that bridge the digital and physical worlds.

As Instagram evolves into a platform that seamlessly integrates AR into its features, users can look forward to a more immersive and interactive social media experience that goes beyond static images and videos. The potential for creative expression, personalized shopping, and shared interactions will redefine the way we engage with content and each other on the platform.

Hyper-Personalization and AI-Driven Content

In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has become increasingly intertwined with content creation and personalization on Instagram. AI algorithms analyze user behavior, preferences, and interactions to deliver tailored content, making the platform more engaging and relevant. Current applications include content recommendations, image recognition, and basic automated interactions.

Future Possibilities of AI’s Role in Content Creation and Personalization

Tailored Content Recommendations: Over the next decade, AI-driven algorithms will evolve to offer even more precise content recommendations. By deeply understanding users’ preferences, habits, and interests, Instagram could curate feeds that showcase posts, stories, and ads specifically aligned with individual tastes. This would enhance user satisfaction and keep them engaged for longer periods.

AI-Generated Captions and Hashtags: Crafting compelling captions and selecting appropriate hashtags can be time-consuming. AI could step in to assist users by generating captions that resonate with the content, context, and the user’s style. Similarly, AI could suggest hashtags that optimize discoverability, helping users reach a broader audience and engage with like-minded communities.

Personalized Virtual Influencers and Avatars: The rise of AI technology might usher in a new era of virtual influencers and avatars that users can interact with. These digital personalities could be designed to reflect users’ preferences, values, and aspirations, resulting in deeply personalized interactions that bridge the gap between human and AI-generated content.

As AI continues to evolve and integrate into Instagram, the platform will likely become more adept at understanding and catering to individual user needs. Hyper-personalization through AI-driven content will not only enhance the user experience but also reshape the way content is created, consumed, and shared, ultimately blurring the boundaries between human creativity and artificial intelligence.

Evolution of Influencer Culture

Influencer marketing has been a driving force behind Instagram’s exponential growth and cultural influence. Over the years, individuals with niche expertise and relatable personas have gained substantial followings, shaping trends, consumer behavior, and brand engagement. This symbiotic relationship between influencers and brands has revolutionized marketing strategies and user engagement on the platform.

Speculations About the Future of Influencer Culture

Rise of AI-Powered Influencers and Brand Collaborations: As artificial intelligence becomes more sophisticated, we can anticipate the emergence of AI-powered influencers. These digital entities could mimic human behavior, engaging in authentic interactions, and even creating content. Brands might collaborate with AI influencers to reach new audiences and explore creative marketing avenues.

Shift Towards Micro and Nano Influencers: While mega-influencers have dominated the landscape, the future might see a shift towards micro and nano influencers. These individuals possess smaller but highly engaged and authentic followings. Brands could forge more meaningful connections with these influencers, leading to more genuine and relatable promotional content.

Authenticity and Transparency in a Technologically Advanced Influencer Landscape: With advanced technology enabling seamless content creation and manipulation, authenticity and transparency will become paramount. Influencers might need to prove their genuine interactions and relationships to retain credibility. Verified tools could offer insights into the authenticity of engagement, fostering trust between influencers, brands, and their audiences.

As influencer culture evolves, Instagram is likely to remain a focal point for shaping trends and consumer behavior. The interplay between human and AI-driven influencers, a shift towards more authentic connections, and the emphasis on transparency will redefine the dynamics of influencer marketing, contributing to a more genuine and engaging digital landscape.

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Artificial Intelligence and Creative Expression on Instagram Fri, 18 Aug 2023 10:41:03 +0000 Instagram’s journey from a humble photo-sharing app to a sprawling hub of visual storytelling has been nothing short of remarkable. The platform’s emphasis on captivating images...

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Instagram’s journey from a humble photo-sharing app to a sprawling hub of visual storytelling has been nothing short of remarkable. The platform’s emphasis on captivating images and short-form videos has empowered users to communicate, engage, and inspire through their artistic endeavors. From stunning landscapes to avant-garde fashion shoots, Instagram offers a glimpse into a myriad of artistic visions, fostering a global community that celebrates creativity in all its forms.

As technology continues to advance at an unprecedented pace, the boundaries between human ingenuity and machine capabilities blur. Enter Artificial Intelligence – a field that has made remarkable strides in emulating human cognitive functions. AI, once relegated to technical tasks, is now making its presence felt in the realm of creativity. From generating poetry to composing music, AI algorithms are learning to mimic the subtleties of artistic expression, giving rise to new possibilities that challenge conventional notions of creativity.

In this context, understanding the implications of AI’s foray into creative expression on Instagram becomes imperative. The platform’s immense reach and influence can significantly shape the trajectory of AI’s integration into the arts. As AI-driven tools become more prevalent in content creation, it raises questions about the nature of artistic authenticity, the role of human creators, and the ever-evolving definition of creativity itself. Exploring these dynamics provides a window into the future of digital artistry and prompts us to reflect on the delicate balance between technological innovation and the essence of human imagination.

In the following sections, we will delve deeper into the rise of AI in creative industries, the integration of AI-driven content creation tools on Instagram, the redefinition of influencer culture through AI, challenges and opportunities presented by this evolving landscape, and the ethical and social implications that demand our attention. As we embark on this journey, it’s crucial to remain open-minded about the transformative potential of AI in reshaping the creative landscape of Instagram and beyond.

The Rise of AI in Creative Industries

The infiltration of AI into the creative realm is a testament to its versatility, even in the realm of promoting online presence. In fields ranging from visual arts to music composition, AI-powered tools have demonstrated an ability to produce content that often blurs the line between man and machine. Creative algorithms now analyze patterns, textures, and styles to generate artworks that challenge traditional notions of authorship. This extends to digital marketing as well, where AI plays a role in enhancing reach and engagement. From the generation of abstract paintings to architectural designs that push the boundaries of innovation, AI has become a partner, if not a collaborator, in the creative process, helping businesses gain cheap Instagram followers and achieve a wider online impact.

Examples of AI-Generated Content Gaining Traction on Instagram

Instagram, as a platform driven by visual engagement, has been an ideal arena for showcasing the prowess of AI-generated content. Artists and technologists alike are experimenting with AI-driven filters, effects, and animations, breathing life into pixels in ways previously unimagined. AI-powered accounts curate stunning digital art, crafted not by human hands, but by the intricate algorithms that underpin their existence. These digital creations, from surreal landscapes to algorithmic poetry, garner likes and followers, demonstrating the platform’s readiness to embrace AI’s novel contributions to the creative landscape.

Discussion on the Balance Between Human Creativity and AI Assistance

Amidst the excitement surrounding AI’s capabilities, an important dialogue is taking shape: the delicate equilibrium between human creativity and AI assistance. As AI-generated content gains traction, it raises the question of whether technology can truly replicate the depth of human emotion, intuition, and cultural context that often define artistry. While AI can mimic patterns and styles, the essence of human experience remains uniquely irreplaceable. This dynamic sparks a new wave of artistic exploration – one that involves human artists collaborating with AI tools, combining the strengths of both to craft innovative and thought-provoking content.

As we peer into the landscape where AI and creativity intersect, the evolution of tools and content on Instagram serves as an intriguing lens through which we can witness the metamorphosis of artistic expression. The following section will delve into the AI-driven content creation tools integrated into Instagram’s platform, shedding light on the features that empower users to embark on their own AI-assisted creative journeys.

AI-Driven Content Creation Tools on Instagram

Instagram has harnessed the potential of Artificial Intelligence to enrich the creative experience for its users. The platform’s integration of AI-driven features has ushered in a new era of content creation, democratizing artistic expression and enabling creators of all levels to produce captivating visuals.

Exploration of AI-Driven Filters, Effects, and Editing Tools

AI-driven filters and effects have become a hallmark of Instagram’s creative toolkit. These tools, powered by complex algorithms, can instantly transform mundane photos into vibrant works of art. From enhancing color palettes to applying surreal visual effects, AI enables creators to experiment with their content and realize visions that were previously constrained by technical limitations.

Moreover, AI-powered editing tools provide intelligent suggestions for refining compositions, cropping images, and optimizing lighting. These capabilities streamline the creative process, empowering creators to focus more on their artistic vision and less on technical intricacies.

User Experiences and Feedback Regarding AI-Assisted Content Creation

User experiences with AI-driven content creation tools on Instagram have been a mixed bag. Some creators embrace the convenience and innovation these tools bring, praising their ability to accelerate the creative process and enhance the visual impact of their posts. Others, however, express concerns about the potential homogenization of content, where similar filters and effects lead to a lack of diversity in the platform’s visual landscape.

Feedback also sheds light on the learning curve associated with these AI tools. While they simplify certain aspects of content creation, users often grapple with understanding the intricacies of AI algorithms and fine-tuning their output. Striking the right balance between AI-assisted efficiency and maintaining a distinct creative voice remains a challenge for many.

How AI Is Transforming the Influencer Landscape on Instagram

In the realm of social media, influencers wield immense influence over trends, consumer behavior, and cultural conversations. The integration of AI has introduced new dimensions to influencer culture on Instagram. Influencers are harnessing AI tools to create content that captivates and engages their followers, offering a fresh perspective on their niche and setting new standards for creativity.

Several prominent influencers have embraced AI-driven technologies to elevate their content and engage their audiences in innovative ways. From using AI-generated captions that resonate with their followers to incorporating interactive AI filters that encourage user participation, influencers are tapping into AI’s potential to forge deeper connections and enhance the overall user experience.

Moreover, AI-powered analytics and insights enable influencers to gain a better understanding of their audience preferences, optimizing their content strategy and fostering more meaningful interactions.

The infusion of AI in influencer culture brings forth ethical considerations regarding authenticity and transparency. As AI-generated content blurs the lines between human creativity and machine assistance, influencers are faced with the challenge of maintaining their unique voice while crediting the role of AI in their creations.

Transparency becomes paramount as influencers embrace AI tools, ensuring that audiences are aware of the AI’s involvement and can discern between genuine human expression and AI-generated elements. The conversation extends to questions of credibility and trust, as the boundary between authentic influence and manipulated engagement becomes increasingly nuanced.

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iPhone 15: All the Latest Updates Tue, 15 Aug 2023 14:01:26 +0000 Apple has made its biggest technological leap since the iPhone X makeover with the iPhone 15 series. The iPhone 15 series, set to debut in the...

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Apple has made its biggest technological leap since the iPhone X makeover with the iPhone 15 series. The iPhone 15 series, set to debut in the autumn of 2023, will include significant hardware and design updates, resulting in Apple’s most sophisticated iPhone experience. There are four new models available right now: the iPhone 15 (6.1 inches), the iPhone 15 Pro (also 6.1 inches), the iPhone 15 Plus (6.7 inches), and the iPhone 15 Pro Max (6.7 inches).

The iPhone 15 is the most innovative ever, with features like a reinvented Dynamic Island, a 48MP camera standard across all models, and premium touches like a titanium frame and periscope lens standard on the Pro versions. This article delves into Apple’s momentous 2023 iPhone range, including the most recent developments in design, display, camera, performance, features, price, release date, and more.

Design and Display

The iPhone 15 lineup represents Apple’s most radical redesign since ditching the Home button. While maintaining the same 6.1-inch and 6.7-inch sizing, all models adopt key changes like the Dynamic Island and transition to USB-C. However, more transformational updates will differentiate the Pro models for a more premium appeal.

Overall Design

Fundamentally, the iPhone 15 and 15 Plus share a similar industrial design to their iPhone 14 predecessors, but with two major changes: the expansion of the Dynamic Island from the Pro models and the long-rumoured switch from Lightning to USB-C. The removal of the Lightning port and notch helps streamline the overall look.

Beyond these updates, the standard models will likely retain the notch-less, flat-edge design first introduced on the iPhone 12. Sizes remain consistent at 6.1 inches for the iPhone 15 and 6.7 inches for the iPhone 15 Plus.

  • The standard models pair an aluminium frame with glass front and back.
  • The larger Plus version provides benefits like extended battery life.

Colour Options and Pro Exclusive Design

More radical changes await with the iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max designs. While the Pro models are expected in classic colourways like space black, silver, and gold, Apple could introduce new hues like a dark red finish. More importantly, after several generations of being stigmatised for lacking innovation, the iPhone 15 Pro models will receive major aesthetic changes.

Expect visibly slimmer bezels encircling the display, with a more seamless curvature into the frame, creating an encompassing, near-edge-to-edge aesthetic. Rather than aluminium, a scratch-resistant titanium frame will deliver superior durability and a lightweight feel. The back glass will likely adopt a frosted matte texture versus the glossy glass on regular models.

Technical Specifications

Under the hood, the iPhone 15 lineup benefits from cutting-edge silicon, transformative connectivity, and pro-grade camera systems to power the ultimate iPhone experience.

USB-C Transition and Charging

Perhaps most notably, the Lightning era ends as USB-C arrives on iPhone 15 models. Every variant adopts USB-C for simplified connectivity with peripherals and charging. However, Apple reserves faster transfer speeds for Pro models.

While the iPhone 15 and 15 Plus top out at 480 Mbps like Lightning, the Pro series packs USB 3.2 or Thunderbolt 3 for lightning-fast data syncing and video transfer. On the charging front, all models support improved 15W wireless charging through MagSafe and Qi2 charging pads. Wired charging can also reach up to 30W with a USB-C PD charger and cable.

  • USB-C allows convenient connections with Macs, iPads, and accessories.
  • Faster wired/wireless charging improves convenience and flexibility.

Camera and Lens Technology

The camera sees major upgrades on iPhone 15 models. The iPhone 15 and 15 Plus inherit the 48MP main camera from the iPhone 14 Pro series, enabling sharper detail and better low-light performance. But the showstopper awaits on iPhone 15 Pro models: a periscope lens with 6x optical zoom.

This folded telephoto lens employs a prism to reflect light sideways into the sensor, delivering a vastly improved optical zoom range without bulking up the camera module. Portrait mode gains advanced AI processing powered by next-gen Apple silicon.

Processing Power and Connectivity

Speaking of silicon, the A17 Bionic chip, built on an enhanced 3nm process, promises big performance and efficiency jumps exclusively for iPhone 15 Pro models. In contrast, the A16 powers the standard variants. Impressively, all phones get 6 GB of RAM. Wi-Fi 6E only comes to the Pro models for now.

The entire lineup also features Apple’s next-gen Ultra Wideband chip for spatial awareness and seamless interaction with AR devices like the rumoured Apple headset. 5G support continues with Qualcomm’s latest X70 modem across all models.

Exclusive Features and Innovations

While the iPhone 15 models share some common upgrades like USB-C and the Dynamic Island, Apple reserves the real game-changing innovations for the Pro models.

Pro Models’ Exclusive Features

Let’s start with the most radical change. The mute switch gets replaced by a new customisable Action button on iPhone 15 Pro models, allowing users to instantly trigger shortcuts, snap photos, start voice memos, and more.

Titanium frames, already mentioned, make iPhone 15 Pro models more durable and lighter than stainless steel. Significantly slimmer bezels deliver a captivating edge-to-edge viewing experience. Rumours also suggest always-on display technology will remain exclusive to the Pro series.

Wireless Charging and Repairability

Two other upgrades apply to the whole iPhone 15 lineup. All models work with 15W wireless chargers thanks to combined support for MagSafe and Qi2 standards. Repairability also improves; front and rear glass use the same display removal procedure to reduce service costs. The iPhone 15 makes strides in sustainability and accessibility to repairs.

Pricing and Availability

With far greater capabilities and premium materials than ever before, iPhone 15 Pro models will surely breach new pricing territory. But availability could be tight for these top-tier devices at launch.

Pricing Details

The iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Plus should retain the same $799 and $899 price tags as their predecessors. However, speculations indicate potential $100 price hikes for both iPhone 15 Pro models. The iPhone 15 Pro may start at $1099, while the iPhone 15 Pro Max could reach an eye-watering $1199. These would represent the largest price increases in iPhone history.

The inflated costs likely stem from the titanium frames, periscope lenses, thinner bezels, A17 chips, and other cutting-edge components. However, the standard models maintain reasonable pricing for budget-focused buyers. Entry pricing holds steady for the iPhone 15 and 15 Plus, while big price jumps for the Pro and Pro Max reflect their major new capabilities.

Launch and Availability

If tradition holds, Apple will announce the iPhone 15 series in mid-September 2023. Pre-orders usually open the Friday after the keynote, with retail launching a week later. Supply and demand should balance for the iPhone 15 and 15 Plus as rumoured orders remain stable. But the iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max face murkier waters.

The radical titanium redesign and periscope zoom lens could constrain output and stock. Some suggest iPhone 15 Pro availability may be extremely limited at launch and not normalise until late 2023. Patience will be key for buyers seeking these premium models immediately at launch.


With its largest camera upgrade, a complete redesign of Pro models, and the end of the Lightning era, the iPhone 15 represents Apple’s most ambitious iPhone generation in years. Dynamic Island, a 48MP camera, and USB-C significantly improve standard models.

But the iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max stand apart as no-compromise flagship devices with bleeding-edge capabilities like the customisable Action button, 6x optical zoom, and slim-bezel titanium design that reimagine the pinnacle of iPhone innovation.

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Absolute Casino Security: How Casinos Keep Their Patrons Safe and Prevent Cheating and Fraud Mon, 07 Aug 2023 13:06:24 +0000 The allure of a casino stems from its glitzy atmosphere, thrilling games, and potential for large payouts. Nevertheless, under the surface of the showmanship, one finds...

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The allure of a casino stems from its glitzy atmosphere, thrilling games, and potential for large payouts. Nevertheless, under the surface of the showmanship, one finds a serious enterprise that places a premium on safety. Casinos have a lot riding on their security systems, from avoiding fraud and cheating to ensuring the safety of their customers. Here, we’ll go into detail about the security precautions casinos use to safeguard their customers’ safety.

Have you ever wondered how the croupiers at casinos manage to keep the players honest? Instead, how can they identify con artists attempting to steal large sums of money? How can they guarantee the well-being of their customers when they are having fun at the casino? The many forms of cutting-edge technology used to monitor casino facilities will be examined. We’ll also delve into the methods casinos use to keep their games honest, from staff training to high-tech surveillance systems to everything in between.

The Importance of Casino Security

Although casinos are exciting and enjoyable, they also present serious safety risks to their customers and employees. Gambling fraud, cheating, and other security breaches are real concerns, and they may have disastrous effects on the game and its participants.

A casino is a place where large sums of money are exchanged, making it a prime target for theft and other criminal activities. Proper security measures must be in place to prevent harm to patrons and staff. A casino known for poor security can quickly become a liability, leading to decreased patronage and financial losses.

Casinos are subject to strict regulations that require them to have proper security measures in place. Failure to comply can result in hefty fines, legal trouble, and loss of the casino’s operating license.

Potential Risks and Consequences of Insufficient Security Measures

The potential risks and consequences are severe when casinos don’t have proper security measures. Some of the risks include the following:

  • Theft: Casinos handle large sums of money, and theft can result in significant financial losses;
  • Cheating and fraud: Casinos are always on the lookout for patrons trying to cheat their way to big winnings. When they succeed, it can result in significant financial losses for the casino and the affected patrons;
  • Safety concerns: Without proper security measures, patrons can be at risk for physical harm, such as assault or theft;
  • Legal trouble: Failure to comply with security regulations can result in legal action, leading to hefty fines or loss of the casino’s operating license.

Insufficient Security Measures

The consequences of insufficient security measures can be severe and far-reaching, including:

  • Financial losses: Theft, cheating, and fraud can result in significant financial losses for the casino and the affected patrons;
  • Damage to reputation: A casino with poor security measures can quickly gain a reputation as an unsafe and unreliable place to gamble;
  • Legal trouble: Noncompliance with security regulations can lead to legal action, resulting in hefty fines and legal trouble;
  • Loss of license to operate: Failure to comply with security regulations can result in the loss of the casino’s license to operate, leading to financial ruin.

Proper casino security measures are crucial for both the casino and its patrons. Without them, the risks and consequences can be severe and far-reaching. By prioritizing security, casinos can ensure the safety and well-being of their patrons while maintaining their reputation and compliance with regulations.

The Role of Surveillance in Casino Security

The security of both the casino’s customers and employees relies heavily on effective surveillance systems. Now more than ever, high-quality monitoring systems are crucial for spotting and halting any fraudulent behaviour that may occur. Surveillance plays a pivotal role in casino security by:

  • Suspicious activity detection: All parts of the casino are monitored by surveillance systems to catch any instances of cheating or theft;
  • Due to its deterrent effect, deploying surveillance cameras may reduce the number of fraudulent activities;
  • If anything happens, the surveillance film might be utilized as evidence in the inquiry.

Surveillance Systems Used in Casinos

Casinos use a wide variety of monitoring methods, including:

  • Cameras for observing public spaces: The majority of casinos employ closed-circuit television cameras for security. These are versatile and may be positioned wherever in the casino, from the gaming tables to the exits;
  • Several casinos now utilize face recognition software to track out habitual cheats and crooks;
  • Some casinos use audio monitoring equipment to eavesdrop on patrons’ conversations and sniff out any shady goings-on.

Features of Surveillance Systems Used in Casinos?

Surveillance systems used in casinos typically have several features, including:

  • High-definition cameras: Surveillance cameras used in casinos are typically high-definition to provide clear images of the monitored activity;
  • Remote access: Surveillance systems are often accessible remotely, allowing casino security personnel to monitor the casino from a central location;
  • Motion detection: Surveillance cameras can be equipped with motion detection technology to detect movement and alert security personnel of potential threats.

Evolution of Surveillance Technology in Casinos

Improvements in surveillance technologies in recent years have made it easier for casinos to identify and prevent fraudulent behaviour. Several modern surveillance systems use AI to identify potentially fraudulent card counting and marking activities.

Casinos are starting to use biometric identification systems, such as fingerprint scanning and face recognition, to keep out known cheats. Security staff can immediately identify and react to threats with real-time monitoring technologies. Also, everyone who likes to gamble can read information about the pros and cons of 24-hour casinos.

Preventing Cheating and Fraud in Casinos

Despite all the safeguards, casinos are only partially secure from dishonest players. In spite of their best efforts, these kinds of incidents may still occur. Due to the serious nature of the danger posed by casino cheating and fraud, the gaming industry has instituted stringent safeguards to prevent and identify these crimes. Cheating and fraud in casinos can take many forms, including:

  • Card marking: Players can mark cards to give them an unfair advantage when playing card games;
  • Collusion: Players may conspire to cheat the casino, such as signalling to each other during a game;
  • Chip fraud: Players may pass off fake or counterfeit chips as real ones;
  • Slot machine fraud: Some players may try to trick slot machines by using devices or magnets to manipulate the outcome.

It is still possible for fraudulent operations to occur despite these precautions; however, utilizing cutting-edge technology and a skilled workforce significantly reduces the likelihood of this happening. Casinos may continue to offer their customers a secure and pleasurable experience if they are aware of the frequent cheating and fraud strategies employed in casinos and take steps to avoid them.  When checking out a casino, be sure to check out UK online casino reviews. Many offer nice bonuses and existing customer free spins.

Protecting Patron Safety in Casinos

Casinos have put in place several safety measures to protect their patrons, including:

Security personnelCasinos employ many security personnel trained to monitor the premises and respond to any security threats.
Surveillance systemsAs mentioned earlier, casinos use high-tech surveillance systems to monitor the activity in the casino and detect any suspicious behaviour.
Fire safety measuresCasinos are equipped with fire safety equipment, including sprinkler systems and smoke detectors, to protect their patrons in case of a fire.
Medical services:Many casinos have on-site medical services, including first aid and ambulance services, to assist patrons needing medical attention.

Several different safeguards are in place to ensure the safety of casino visitors. Casinos have invested much in fire detection and suppression systems, first aid kits, and security guards to ensure the safety of their customers.

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New technologies in the automotive industry Mon, 17 Apr 2023 04:39:36 +0000 New technologies in the car industry are making cars more and more comfortable and safer. Automakers are regularly presenting interesting technologies to the world which could...

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New technologies in the car industry are making cars more and more comfortable and safer. Automakers are regularly presenting interesting technologies to the world which could be put into production in the near future. Some of them are already in active use. Let us list the most original innovations.

Gesture control

BMW Corporation presents its innovative concept Vision Next 100, which uses a gesture control mechanism. The top part of the dashboard has sensors that monitor the movements of the hands. This allows the windows to be opened and the heating to be activated without making contact with the dashboard.
The first serial automobile in which this technology was implemented was the BMW 7-Series. In Germany, Gesture Control allows the user to change radio stations, adjust the sound, receive and reject phone calls by using gestures in the air. There is no longer any need to touch the touchscreen to issue commands. A similar system is used in the Volkswagen Golf, in which it is possible to gesture for the climate control and open and close the sunroof.

Airless tyres

Bridgestone Corporation has developed non-pneumatic (airless) tyres. They are intended to be an environmentally friendly alternative to classic tyres. Airless tyres feature a specific construction made of thermoplastic resin, which supports the weight of the car by means of curved spokes.
Air tyres are superior to standard tyres in several respects. Their creators managed to solve the problem of punctures, to level out the probability of tyre blowout, because it does not contain air. Airless tyres are lighter because they don’t have metal rims. They maintain their performance even after 30% damage. They are characterised by smooth running, and bumps in the road are enveloped by the plastic shape of the wheels. They reduce fuel consumption and are easy to mount on vehicle axles.


Honda and Hitachi have created a special key that acts as a breathalyser, capable of detecting the concentration of ethanol in the driver’s bloodstream in 3 seconds. The measurement is performed by semiconductor sensors. They detect not only alcohol but also hydrogen, a product of the decomposition of acetaldehyde. If the system determines that the driver is drunk, the ignition is blocked electronically and the engine will not start. The result of the alcohol test is shown on the car’s multimedia display. The police will not be notified.

Body panels that store energy

Another interesting innovation is the body panels that store energy.
Hybrids are expected to account for 50% of all new cars coming off the production line by 2040. But such vehicles have a major drawback: the batteries that are used to power the engine are too large and heavy. This also applies to lithium-ion batteries.
European car manufacturers have teamed up to test body panels that store energy and release it several times faster than conventional batteries. They are made of a polymer carbon fibre combined with resins. They are characterised by their durability, yet remain flexible. The weight of vehicles will be reduced by about 15 per cent as a result of this development.

Smart tinting

When listing the innovative technologies in cars, we should also mention the smart tinting that allows you to adjust the light permeability of the window as you wish. The window’s light transmittance will change according to the driver’s preference or in response to a command from an electronic control module.
The Intelligent Glass Control technology is implemented through a membrane with electrochromatic particles. Their position is altered by the electric current, making the glass darker or lighter.
The light permeability of the window can also be adjusted automatically, for example depending on the amount of sunlight entering or exiting the tunnel. The tinted glass can also be partially tinted to avoid the need for sunscreens.
This technology has already been used by the carmaker. In the first-generation Maybach limousines, the light transmission was altered at the driver’s command.

Cars that communicate with each other

There is more and more digital technology in cars. American scientists are working on systems that will allow drivers to transmit data about their location, speed and direction. This will help to maintain a safe distance and reduce the likelihood of accidents. Cars communicating with each other will become a reality very soon.

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Top technologies for web development Fri, 14 Apr 2023 08:13:32 +0000 To make the work of a web developer not only productive but also faster, professionals need to keep up with the latest technologies and developments. Here...

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To make the work of a web developer not only productive but also faster, professionals need to keep up with the latest technologies and developments. Here are 6 technologies that promise to transform your website development process. The world of “website building” is constantly changing, with new frameworks and applications being released every day. With the described tools, web development will be greatly simplified and allow you to create functional sites.

Web Components

The new style of elements for HTML5 is now based on W3C standards that allow you to create reusable custom elements. These are used for dynamic pages, such as widget tabs or drop-down contextual menus. The official Web Components website has a lot of examples broken down, but there is not much understanding yet of where they can be useful for building websites.

As of today, it is too early to use Web Components to build websites in real projects, because these modules need to be reworked. They are only supported by Google for browsers, but even so, any professional should become familiar with the technology.

The new, modern Meteor platform

Meteor is a new portal used for developing and publishing web applications. The developer of the platform claims that modern browsers have become much smarter, so they are able to execute the basic code of the application by themselves, collecting data from the server and other third-party resources. On this basis, it makes no sense to create a website on a server and send HTML to a wordless browser. Developers will now be able to generate the blueprint themselves, and provide the data to be fetched.

One of the most significant features is seen as support for multiple templates and caching of databases in the browser, so that the site can be accessed instantly. Having parsed the Meteor site, we can conclude that it is an excellent way to develop modern web applications, which is still at the preview stage.


The use of Accelerated Mobile Pages enables any browser page to be adapted for use on mobile devices. This technology is often used for online casino review sites Thanks to AMP optimisation, the site will load faster and the site will resemble the original application.

Considering the rapid growth of mobile technology and users who don’t spend a day without their smartphones, AMP could be quite a revolutionary solution for news resources.

Sketch as an alternative to Photoshop

Despite the popularity of editing and design software such as Photoshop, many designers are looking for more alternative tools to solve specific web design needs. The new Sketch software, introduced by Bohemian Coding, is a good alternative. It runs on the iOS operating system and, like the acclaimed Hype editor, has gone from being a simple design editor to a full-fledged and functional program. It’s very handy for interface designers because of its use of vector graphics for non-destructive editing, native support for typography grid and support for multiple workspaces in a single document.

LiveStyle – Instant round-trip CSS editing

LiveStyle is a great add-on for Google Chrome and Safari browsers. Thanks to its use there is no need to save anything now, because any change of CSS in the editor will be automatically updated, and if the change occurs in the browser itself, it will change the code in the editor. Using add-in allows you to edit any style without local copying, including CSS. The secret of this magic technology is to parse CSS at the structural level and pass this information to and from the browser. For now, a free version is available that works with Sublime Text. In the future, the developers promise to introduce a paid version that supports a larger number of editors.

By using these modern website development technologies, professionals will be able to create web applications that rival traditional compiled ones in terms of the smoothness of the interfaces.


Blockchain technology has revolutionised the development industry. Many companies in various industries are looking for new and advanced ways to use Blockchain. Developers with the ability to combine a blockchain structure with cryptography and data structures will be able to create smart contracts and decentralised applications. Transparent blockchain terms of use provide for efficient and high-quality website development by reducing time and costs.

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Technologies and businesses of the future Fri, 06 Jan 2023 13:16:36 +0000 The idea of what kind of business will be relevant in the future is constantly changing, causing a lot of discussion and forecasts. At the same...

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The idea of what kind of business will be relevant in the future is constantly changing, causing a lot of discussion and forecasts. At the same time, it is one thing to predict, and another thing to shape this future, which is directly related to innovative thinking and technological breakthroughs that reflect the level of development of the economy, technology and production. Zaur Dzakhmishev, Executive Director of Orange Foods and Orange Consultng, talks about the future.

Based on trends, the main features of business models that will be in demand in the coming decades are already being predicted. And these are, first of all, businesses and technologies that allow you to save time as much as possible and are distinguished by multifunctionality (providing a variety of high-quality goods and services in one place, or with one click). High-tech startups will become commonplace. We expect multiple development of online. Not production, but ideas are the main need of the present and future times. Already now they are ready to pay huge money for ideas. Today, the number of goods many times exceeds consumption. Therefore, ideas are the most scarce and sought-after commodity along with breakthrough technologies.

Many people ask the question “How to generate ideas”?

There are many ways to find and implement the best business idea of the future: Conduct large-scale research and study statistical data, analyze changes in various areas of human life and, on this basis, make forecasts Rely on your intuition , pay attention to the events taking place around you and quickly implement the urgent needs of society. For example, to implement business ideas based on a situational model, which I will talk about a little later. Each of us has our own subjective understanding of the businesses of the future. And of course I have it too. From all the variety, I would single out a couple of ideas, scientific discoveries, the development and implementation of which will radically change the world and the way of life of all mankind. And earlier, we could perceive it as something fantastic, utopian and unrealizable, but now technologies are developing so rapidly that you will inevitably believe in what seemed unthinkable. These are ideas like: Creation of a chip-translator on the basis of artificial intelligence into all languages of the planet and “firmware” it in the ear. This will have a tremendous impact on the development of mankind, because the language barrier between representatives of different peoples will disappear. Teleportation , as one of the technologies of the next century, may well become a common mode of transportation. Vehicles in the form of drones against the background of this technology will be perceived as babble.

The IT sector will continue to be in demand and profitable. Virtual worlds, neural interfaces (systems for exchanging information between the brain and an electronic device), various systems at the intersection of IT with medicine, production and management will be created. In the near future, it will not surprise anyone that there will be holograms of participants at meetings and meetings

Specialists in cybersecurity, artificial intelligence and robotics, the creation of new materials, biotechnology, and genetic engineering will be in great demand. The business ideas of the future will be related to the search for alternative energy sources, new construction technologies, the creation of “smart” systems and innovative power grids. In the United States, “smartgrid” is actively developing – a smart power system. The Russian analogue is called IES AAS – an intelligent electric power system with an active-adaptive network.

It is important to understand that the technologies of the future will not differ by industry. This is the formation of an absolutely breakthrough technological order – the transition from mechanical to physical-chemical and gene-cellular technologies with a multiple increase in the efficiency of the economy. It will become less material and energy intensive, but at the same time it will require an increasing amount of intellectual effort. Serious metamorphoses await business formats. And, it seems to me, these formats will be determined, as before, by the situational model . For example, let’s imagine a business format such as “Beer Shop” , which sells only 100 types of beer and 100 types of various beer snacks. Will he be popular?

Will he be popular

Most likely, it will be, since this trading format relies on a specific situational model: “drink beer”. And the assortment of this store as a whole corresponds to this situational model. And now imagine that we have added 20 varieties of raw fish to the assortment. Will this format be in demand? Hardly. It is clear that from the point of view of common sense, such an option is simply absurd, but still a clearer answer is needed to the question why this trading format will not work? Yes, simply because raw fish does not fit into the “drink beer” situational model. Either the “cook fish” model or the “drink beer” model works. Why did I give this example? Moreover, the business formats of the future will be determined by the situational model and consumer logic, taking into account the new time, worldview and the needs of new generations. Now there are a lot of investors who do not know where to invest their money and a lot of entrepreneurs who want to change their unprofitable business format to a highly profitable and stable one. These are the needs of our business elite. If we talk about the food-related businesses of the future, then, in my opinion, they will undergo significant changes, although some trends will remain unchanged. I mean natural products, healthy food and vegetarian food, for which consumption is growing and has great prospects. We are expecting a fashion for so-called totalism – complete abstinence from alcoholic beverages. I predict that the grocery retail business, in its current form, will go into oblivion and the retail format of the future will be a “ smart kitchen” in every apartment that will order products. The consumer will be in direct contact with food producers through his “smart kitchen”.

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The use of modern technologies in casinos Fri, 06 Jan 2023 11:40:37 +0000 The popularity of online casino games has grown exponentially in recent years, thanks to improvements in technology and greater internet availability. Online casino games offer players...

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The popularity of online casino games has grown exponentially in recent years, thanks to improvements in technology and greater internet availability. Online casino games offer players the opportunity to enjoy a more convenient experience as they don’t have to travel to a casino to play. Furthermore, online casino games offer players the opportunity to enjoy a more personalized experience, as casinos can offer players a more personalized environment and a wider selection of games.

With recent advances in online casino gaming technologies including AR, VR, Metaverse and others, many people have become more and more interested in the field. These technological innovations allow for unique ways for players to interact – whether through Metaverse characters or those from augmented or virtual reality worlds. The popularity of online casino games is only expected to grow over the next few years as gaming technologies continue to evolve. For example the best online casinos in Portugal you can see on the site casino online portugal.

live streaming

Streaming has been a popular technology across entertainment and this amazing technology has also been used in gambling to play in real time with other players and a dealer. These are casino games that are streamed live from a studio or from a real life casino.

Game control units allow encoding videos to be streamed to online gamers. The Game Control Unit ensures you have the right tool to do live games, reaching your online players audience. Among the many options of casino games to play live, you can select your favorite table games, card games and much more.

Allowing you to enjoy the convenience of playing online and anywhere. On the other hand, it is possible to experience the thrill of playing in a real-life casino environment. Among the most popular live dealer games you can find variants of blackjack, roulette and online baccarat.

High quality 3D animation

3D animation has made a huge contribution to the casino industry that manages to present quality in its visuals comparable to mobile games. The modern casino uses a lot of animation in its games to portray the atmosphere lived in casinos.

This excites players to keep playing and makes the process much more involved with each gaming session. For example, 3D technology in slot machines has changed the way we see and perceive online slots to rich visuals and full of animations during each spin.

It is especially on cellphones and mobile devices that many online casinos are working to make their websites accessible to play on the go, launching special mobile apps to offer all the advantages to the players.

Cloud servers

Technological advancement has brought the revolution through cloud or cloud technology. More importantly, cloud-focused services are offering services to online casinos. For example, cloud computing provides casino operators with the solutions they are looking for to serve a wider audience, regardless of their location.

The latest frameworks and technological advances around cloud technology make it easier to prevent and address security risks by creating a safe atmosphere for players who prefer online casinos. In addition, cloud servers at online casinos provide the necessary game speed and security to ensure the best gaming experience, and if you want to play at a casino with a live dealer advise to visit the site casino ao vivo portugal it is there best reviews on online casinos.

Online payment systems

Another technology that many online casinos have started to use is secure digital payment methods. This includes credit cards, bank transfers, e-wallets, prepaid debit cards, and even blockchain technology like Bitcoin and other popular cryptocurrencies.

All of these methods provide a safe and convenient way to make deposits and withdrawals at any time of the day or night. Because of this, players can transfer money and play their favorite casino games wherever they want. Furthermore, players are often rewarded with additional cashback bonuses when using alternative forms of payment.

Optical Character Recognition Technology

OCR technology is integrated into the live casino to record every detail in the game room. It mechanically or electronically translates images of handwritten, typed, or printed text into text data for processing. This makes it possible to update leaderboards, bonuses, promotions and tournaments giving players a fully digital realistic experience

OCR allows a live casino to be streamed to players via a video link. This system converts all meaningful data into an electrical format to capture all actions such as spinning a roulette wheel, shuffling or dealing cards.

These are just some of the most impressive technologies that are reshaping the gambling industry. Technology is also evolving and improving in new ways that benefit everyone and, above all, players who get more exciting ways to have fun with online casinos.

For the future it is certain that we will continue to see the industry taking inspiration from video games and following technology closely with the aim of becoming more immersive and developing more interaction with the player. This is good news for gamers, as it means they can enjoy an ever-increasing variety of advanced and fun games.

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Are Floating Farms in Our Future? Fri, 07 Oct 2022 14:18:17 +0000 No Land? No Problem. If Barcelona-based Forward Thinking Architecture has its way, farms of the future will operate autonomously as they float on the open sea....

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No Land? No Problem. If Barcelona-based Forward Thinking Architecture has its way, farms of the future will operate autonomously as they float on the open sea. Stretching eco-friendly concepts to the limit, the ambitious design firm has come up with the idea of Smart Floating Farms, large triple-decker agriculture barges that feature fish farms down below, hydroponic gardens up top and solar panels on the roof to keep things running. They don’t exist yet, but they’re certainly providing plenty of food for thought.

The concept hits all the current buzzwords: preservation of arable land, local organic food sourcing with less “food mileage,” environmental protection, self-sufficiency and sustainability.

What the designers have in mind is a rectangular farm with a default size of 656 by 1,150 feet and a total area across all its levels of about 2.2 million square feet. Space that isn’t used for farming would be taken up by service walkways and catwalks. Since the floating farms would be modular, several could be clustered together to improve their efficiency even more to serve densely populated areas.

The bottom level would contain fish farms, external perimeter wave barriers and protection, water access points, storage, a slaughterhouse, a desalination plant and a packaging facility. Upstairs would be a greenhouse with automated hydroponics, and microclimate control for crop cultivation. The rooftop level would hold a photovoltaic power plant and feature skylights to deliver natural light to the plants. Wind turbines and wave energy converter systems could also play a role, as could biogas power plants and digesters that would be used to eliminate the biological waste produced throughout the operation.

The most important component would be the hydroponic garden, because hydroponics doesn’t require natural precipitation, fertile land or pesticides to be effective and can serve as a model for people who live in arid regions or areas with poor soil. Hydroponic gardens can also be stacked, so they take up less space.

The designers contend that all of this could—at least in theory—operate pretty much automatically, with minimal human intervention. The key would be to place sensors everywhere and rely on the gadgetry of the “Internet of Things” to report data that would ultimately help the farm run at peak efficiency, although details about all that are fuzzy for now. Meanwhile, big data analytics would also be used to determine what the local populace needed most from the floating farms. Fewer fish and more lettuce perhaps?

Forward Thinking Architecture says that one regular farm would yield 8.1 tons of vegetables and 1.7 tons of fish per year, which would let the farm pay for itself within 10 years. We’ll see about that, but in the meantime, kudos to the designers for floating such an interesting idea.

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